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Liberia Grand Kru and Lofa (Proposed)

Type: Proprietary

Size: 239‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Upper Guinean Rainforest

Methodology: ARR and REDD+

Threat: Shifting cultivation, illegal logging and mining, firewood

Liberia Grand Kru and Lofa is an area designated for wood extraction and commercial forestry. 

Our project will secure the land rights on this area for +30 years and employ the local population to reforest with endemic tree species, and protect the remaining forest. Incentives will be set for the local communities to improve the sustainability of their land-use behaviors. Training and equipment will be provided to reduce damages from firewood extraction and shifting cultivation („slash and burn“). Parts of the area will be designated for agroforestry planting cash crops as an additional source of income for the local population; wood extraction is not part of the project design.

Liberia Wetlands Wetlands (Proposed)

Type: Public Private Partnership

Size: 120‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Mangrove

Methodology: Blue Carbon, restoration

Threat: Firewood, charcoal production, smoking of fish

Liberia Wetlands is an ecosystem under threat of degradation and deforestation. The main income source of the local population is fishing and thus they heavily rely on the health of this ecosystem. Fish need Mangroves for spawning and reproduction.

Our project will employ the local population to restore degraded Mangrove areas. Incentives will be set for the local communities to improve the sustainability of their land-use behaviors. Equipment for more efficiently smoking fish is provided. Sustainable and organic fish farming will be developed. On the project area, there is a chimpanzee refuge, which is supported in the scope of the project.

Liberia Gola Forest (Proposed)

Type: Public Private Partnership

Size: 89‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Upper Guinean Rainforest

Methodology: REDD+

Threat: Shifting cultivation, illegal logging and mining, firewood

Liberia Gola National Park is a unique ecosystem of native rainforest, which reaches beyond the border of Liberia into Sierra Leone. On both sides, the area has the status of National Park. Due to lack of public funding available for the protection of the national park, recov.earth partners with the Liberian government to improve conservation and involve local communities.

Ghana Volta Mangrove

Type: Proprietary

Size: c20‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Mangrove wetlands

Methodology: Blue Carbon, restoration

Threat: Waste dumping, salt mining, firewood

The Volta river delta is on of the largest Mangrove ecosystems in Ghana. It is threatened by increasing industrial activity, mainly salt mining. Near communities, Mangroves are used as waste dumps.

Our project in Ghana will focus on restoration of Mangroves, which will generate jobs and improve the income of both directly involved people and fishermen, as the fish stock will grow. Improved waste management and use of firewood will support the recovery of the area.

Brazil Amazon

Type: Proprietary

Size: 205‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Amazon Rainforest

Methodology: REDD+

Threat: Illegal logging, cattle farming, agriculture

Brazil Amazon I is a project area consisting of intact native rainforest, however, threatened by deforestation, which is happening nearby. 

Our project will protect the forest by implementing agroforestry. The area is rich in açai and brazilian nuts, which are a welcome income source for the local population. We will support their revenue generation by establishing a cooperative.

Cameroon Foumban

Type: Proprietary

Size: 114‘000 ha

Ecosystem: Tropical moist forest (TSMF)

Methodology: ARR

Threat: Agriculture, livestock, logging, firewood

Cameroon Foumban project area is located 6 hours north of the capital city Yaoundé and threatened by smallhold livestock holding, agriculture, logging, and firewood gathering.

The area is very suitable for agroforestry, as it has ideal conditions for Cassava, Papaya, Plum, Banana, Mango, and many more cash crops. Implementation of such a program as well as creating sustainable and profitable distribution channels and processing facilities are part of the project design. Significant reforestation potential to be realized by employing local communities.